
Showing posts from June, 2014

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges (login as sysdba)

It's a been a while since my last post.  As you may know, I normally blog about solutions that are hard to find that haven't already been blogged about.  Here's my latest encounter... I was receiving this error when trying to login via "sqlplus / as sysdba" after completing an Oracle 11gR2 binary install using the "database home clone" methodology.  I checked that the binary permissions were set correctly, which they were.  Then finally I stumbled across someone else that had had this problem where the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.c file wasn't configured properly.  Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved. ERROR: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges So I did the following: cd <ORACLE_HOME>/rdbms/lib cp -p config.c config.c.bak vi config.c (with below changes) relink oracle config.c before changes: /*  SS_DBA_GRP defines the UNIX group ID for sqldba adminstrative access.  */ /*  Refer to the Inst