Clone database without backup 11gR2
Here are the majority of the steps for creating a clone 11gR2 database. 1. Either configure your listener under the ORACLE_HOME for the standby (typically using NETCA) or if you are using 11gR2 RAC, you can use the Grid Infrastructure listener.ora to add your entries. Configure listener.ora with your clone SID and reload listener. (example) SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = clone) (SID_NAME = clone) (ORACLE_HOME = <ORACLE_HOME>) ) ) lsnrctl reload LISTENER 3. Modify tnsnames.ora in $TNS_ADMIN on both primary and standby locations to include both your standby database TNS entry and the primary database TNS entry. (example) clone = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOS...