Migrate ODA VM to another ODA (with vdisks)
There wasn't any helpful blog entries out there for migrating a virtualized ODA VM that contains vdisks to another virtualized ODA. Below is what I used in order to migrate the VMs over. I'm using ACFS snapshots in order to successfully migrate my VMs.
Always remember to test, test, and test before using this on a production ODA/VM.
1. Execute the "oakcli show vm <vm_name>" in order to see the files that make-up the VM.
[root@oda1dom0] # oakcli show vm TESTVM
The Resource is : TESTVM
AutoStart : never
CPUPriority : 100
Disks : |file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.A
Domain : XEN_PVM
DriverDomain : False
ExpectedState : online
FailOver : false
IsSharedRepo : true
Keyboard : en-us
MaxMemory : 16384M
MaxVcpu : 4
Memory : 16384M
Networks : |type=netfront,bridge=net1|
NodeNumStart : 1
OS : OL_5
PrefNodeNum : 1
PrivateIP : None
ProcessorCap : 0
RepoName : demorepo
State : Online
TemplateName : otml_VM_OL7U2_ORA_BASE
VDisks : |oakvdk_vdisk_demorepo|
Vcpu : 4
cpupool : default-unpinned-pool
vncport : 5902
2. Be sure to cat the vm.cfg file in order to display where the vdisks are that are attached to the source ODA VM.
[root@oda1dom0]# cat /OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/TESTVM/VirtualMachines/TESTVM/vm.cfg
vif = ['bridge=net1']
name = 'TESTVM'
builder = 'hvm'
cpus = '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71'
vcpus = 4
memory = 16384
cpu_cap = 0
vnc = 1
serial = 'pty'
disk = [u'file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/TESTVM/VirtualMachines/TESTVM/612aeba3b38f4527a4500ec202a08e3f.img,xvda,w', u'file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/oakvdk_vdisk1/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk1,xvdb,w!', u'file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/oakvdk_vdisk2/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk2,xvdc,w!']
maxvcpus = 4
maxmem = 16384
3. Create *.img file snap by executing the below command on SOURCE ODA_BASE.
acfsutil snap create -p <vm_name> <snap_vm_repo_name> <vm_repo_mountpoint>
i.e. acfsutil snap create -p TESTVM TESTVM_repo_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
4. Create vdisk snap on SOURCE ODA_BASE.
acfsutil snap create -p oakvdk_vdisk1 vdisk1_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
acfsutil snap create -p oakvdk_vdisk2 vdisk2_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
5. Copy the files using gzip, rsync, tar, etc. to TARGET ODA (onto DOM0). Below example is using rsync.
rsync --archive --compress --hard-links --human-readable \
--inplace --no-whole-file --numeric-ids \
/u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/TESTVM_repo_snap/VirtualMachines/TESTVM \
6. Tar up the file as to create a file to be used for importing the vmtemplate as part of the next steps.
tar cvSzf /OVS/vm_stage/TESTVM/TESTVM.tgz -C /OVS/vm_stage/TESTVM vm.cfg adafadfalasdfjladsflk60993qadfa.img
7. Import the bundle onto TARGET ODA's ODA_BASE. This should be done as root user.
[root@oda1db0 ~]# oakcli import vmtemplate TESTVM-template -files /OVS/vm_stage/TESTVM/TESTVM.tgz -repo appdevrepo -node 0
8. Clone VM using "oakcli clone vm" to layout the directories for the VDISKS to be copied directly to proper location from SOURCE ODA to TARGET ODA.
oakcli clone vm TESTVM -vmtemplate TESTVM-template -repo appdevrepo -node 0
9. Copy the vdisks to their final destination on the TARGET ODA's ODA_BASE. Below examples use rsync as the copying tool.
rsync --archive --compress --hard-links --human-readable \
--inplace --no-whole-file --numeric-ids \
/u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/vdisk2_snap/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk2 \
rsync --archive --compress --hard-links --human-readable \
--inplace --no-whole-file --numeric-ids \
/u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/vdisk1_snap/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk1 \
Note: I encountered the below error when I went to startup the VM.
OAKERR:7007 Error encountered while starting VM
The fix for this is to remove line "extra = 'xxxxxx' " from the vm.cfg (known Oracle documented issue)
10. You should now be able to start the VM and open the vmconsole.
oakcli start vm TESTVM; oakcli start vmconsole
11. After the VM has been successfully started and validated, you can now delete the ACFS snaps that were taken originally from SOURCE ODA_BASE.
acfsutil snap delete TESTVM_repo_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
acfsutil snap delete vdisk1_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
acfsutil snap delete vdisk2_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
That should cover it. This is the procedure that I used to successfully migrate VMs from one virtualized ODA to another virtualized ODA. I hope this helps!
Always remember to test, test, and test before using this on a production ODA/VM.
1. Execute the "oakcli show vm <vm_name>" in order to see the files that make-up the VM.
[root@oda1dom0] # oakcli show vm TESTVM
The Resource is : TESTVM
AutoStart : never
CPUPriority : 100
Disks : |file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.A
Domain : XEN_PVM
DriverDomain : False
ExpectedState : online
FailOver : false
IsSharedRepo : true
Keyboard : en-us
MaxMemory : 16384M
MaxVcpu : 4
Memory : 16384M
Networks : |type=netfront,bridge=net1|
NodeNumStart : 1
OS : OL_5
PrefNodeNum : 1
PrivateIP : None
ProcessorCap : 0
RepoName : demorepo
State : Online
TemplateName : otml_VM_OL7U2_ORA_BASE
VDisks : |oakvdk_vdisk_demorepo|
Vcpu : 4
cpupool : default-unpinned-pool
vncport : 5902
2. Be sure to cat the vm.cfg file in order to display where the vdisks are that are attached to the source ODA VM.
[root@oda1dom0]# cat /OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/TESTVM/VirtualMachines/TESTVM/vm.cfg
vif = ['bridge=net1']
name = 'TESTVM'
builder = 'hvm'
cpus = '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71'
vcpus = 4
memory = 16384
cpu_cap = 0
vnc = 1
serial = 'pty'
disk = [u'file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/TESTVM/VirtualMachines/TESTVM/612aeba3b38f4527a4500ec202a08e3f.img,xvda,w', u'file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/oakvdk_vdisk1/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk1,xvdb,w!', u'file:/OVS/Repositories/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/oakvdk_vdisk2/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk2,xvdc,w!']
maxvcpus = 4
maxmem = 16384
3. Create *.img file snap by executing the below command on SOURCE ODA_BASE.
acfsutil snap create -p <vm_name> <snap_vm_repo_name> <vm_repo_mountpoint>
i.e. acfsutil snap create -p TESTVM TESTVM_repo_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
4. Create vdisk snap on SOURCE ODA_BASE.
acfsutil snap create -p oakvdk_vdisk1 vdisk1_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
acfsutil snap create -p oakvdk_vdisk2 vdisk2_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
5. Copy the files using gzip, rsync, tar, etc. to TARGET ODA (onto DOM0). Below example is using rsync.
rsync --archive --compress --hard-links --human-readable \
--inplace --no-whole-file --numeric-ids \
/u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/TESTVM_repo_snap/VirtualMachines/TESTVM \
6. Tar up the file as to create a file to be used for importing the vmtemplate as part of the next steps.
tar cvSzf /OVS/vm_stage/TESTVM/TESTVM.tgz -C /OVS/vm_stage/TESTVM vm.cfg adafadfalasdfjladsflk60993qadfa.img
7. Import the bundle onto TARGET ODA's ODA_BASE. This should be done as root user.
[root@oda1db0 ~]# oakcli import vmtemplate TESTVM-template -files /OVS/vm_stage/TESTVM/TESTVM.tgz -repo appdevrepo -node 0
8. Clone VM using "oakcli clone vm" to layout the directories for the VDISKS to be copied directly to proper location from SOURCE ODA to TARGET ODA.
oakcli clone vm TESTVM -vmtemplate TESTVM-template -repo appdevrepo -node 0
9. Copy the vdisks to their final destination on the TARGET ODA's ODA_BASE. Below examples use rsync as the copying tool.
rsync --archive --compress --hard-links --human-readable \
--inplace --no-whole-file --numeric-ids \
/u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/vdisk2_snap/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk2 \
rsync --archive --compress --hard-links --human-readable \
--inplace --no-whole-file --numeric-ids \
/u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo/.ACFS/snaps/vdisk1_snap/VirtualDisks/oakvdk_vdisk1 \
Note: I encountered the below error when I went to startup the VM.
OAKERR:7007 Error encountered while starting VM
The fix for this is to remove line "extra = 'xxxxxx' " from the vm.cfg (known Oracle documented issue)
10. You should now be able to start the VM and open the vmconsole.
oakcli start vm TESTVM; oakcli start vmconsole
11. After the VM has been successfully started and validated, you can now delete the ACFS snaps that were taken originally from SOURCE ODA_BASE.
acfsutil snap delete TESTVM_repo_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
acfsutil snap delete vdisk1_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
acfsutil snap delete vdisk2_snap /u01/app/sharedrepo/demorepo
That should cover it. This is the procedure that I used to successfully migrate VMs from one virtualized ODA to another virtualized ODA. I hope this helps!